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. 2008 Mar 6;8:43. doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-8-43

Table 5.

Overview of the phenotypes of microbial populations as determined using shotgun Sanger sequencing (FRACS).

Category Pressure Ulcer seq Pressure Ulcer sp. Diabetic Foot Ulcer seq. Diabetic Foot Ulcer sp. Venous Leg Ulcer seq Venous Leg Ulcer sp.
aerobes 20 5 1 1 114 7
facultative anaerobes 21 8 102 15 69 15
anaerobes 143 13 75 15 7 3
Cocci 136 11 137 14 14 6
Rods 48 15 41 17 176 19
gram positive 153 14 136 15 21 9
gram negative 31 12 42 17 169 16
UWB 2 2 0 0 4 4

The data from Sanger sequencing (FRACS) is broken down into the number of sequences (seq) from each sample (P, D, and V) that were related to a given characteristic (anaerobe, gram positive etc). Also shown are the number of genera that were associated with each of the phenotypic categories. UWB refers to unknown wound bacteria or sequences without significant similarity to database sequences.