A, control experiment showing the activation of Imtx in response to 500 pm MTX with [Ca2+]o = 2 mm and [Ca2+]i = 1 μm. B, activation of Imtx when [Ca2+]o = 2 mm and [Ca2+]i is near zero with 5 mm BAPTA in the pipette solution. The voltage ramp used here is the same as in Fig. 3A. C, mean ± s.d. from experiments with or without BAPTA in the pipette solution. In BAPTA loaded cells only 4.57 % of the current obtained in control conditions was observed (n = 5). The values of the Imtx current were obtained by subtracting the basal fibroblast K+ current (I1, ▾) from the total current activated by MTX (I2, ▿, n = 10). The graph shows the values of the current corrected by capacitance (I2 – I1/C). The capacitance of the cells varied between 8 and 12 pF.