A, carbachol-induced Ca2+ transients before and after zero-Ca2+ solution. Two Ca2+ transients are superimposed after the zero-Ca2+ solution, in 1.8 mm Tyrode solution containing either 4 mm or 24 mm KCl. B, a similar format to A in which the cell membrane potential (Em) was held under voltage clamp. Two carbachol-induced Ca2+ transients are superimposed after zero-Ca2+ solution: one after the cell was briefly depolarised to −25 mV, the other when Em was held constant at −60 mV throughout. C, carbachol-induced Ca2+ transients in a detrusor cell under voltage clamp in Ca2+-containing Tyrode solution throughout. The cell was briefly depolarised from −60 to −25 mV between the second and third transients.