A, the effect of various inhibitors on the activation of ICRAC. Ctrl (open circles) denotes control (0.1% DMSO-treated cells), Indo (filled circles) denotes indomethacin (50 μm). B, the histogram summarizes mean data from several cells. Gossy denotes gossypol, Keto denotes ketoconazole. 20 and 50 Indo represent 20 and 50 μm Indo, respectively. All inhibitors were tested at a concentration of 20 μm (except gossypol which was used at 5 μm), and pre-incubated for at least 15 min. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01. C, amplitude of ICRAC against activation time constant. D, amplitude of ICRAC against time to peak. E, table summarizing the percentage block of ICRAC for the various inhibitors together with reported IC50 values for the different lipo-oxygenases, taken from the literature. Data for Ndga are from Salari et al. (1984) and Hope et al. (1983); data for Indo are from Salari et al. (1984) and Shen & Winter (1977); data for Etya are from Salari et al. (1984), Taylor et al. (1985) and Bokoch & Reed, 1981; data for Gossy were from Hamasaki & Tai (1985); and data for Cdc were from Cho et al. (1991).