Figure 5. Ca2+ permeation and blockade of MS channels.
Mechanogated currents (on the left) and corresponding I-V relationships (on the right) measured in cell-attached experiments with various Ca2+ concentrations (mm) in the pipette; NMDG was added to maintain the ionic strength; c indicates the closed state. A, in the presence of 2 mm CaCl2, single-channel activity in the inward (at −100 mV) and outward (at +30 mV) direction was recorded. The I-V curve shows unitary conductance of 8 pS and a reversal potential of −39 mV. B, in the presence of 20 mm CaCl2, no inward currents were observed, whereas outward channel activity was recorded. C, at 90 mm CaCl2, MS currents were inhibited over the entire voltage range studied.