A, B and C, hypotaurine-induced currents (a) were reversibly reduced by 100 μM GES (Ab), were abolished by replacing external Na+ with choline (Bb), but were not affected by bath application of 500 μM PTX with 100 μM phaclofen (Cb) or by 100 μM strychnine in the presence of PTX and phaclofen (Cc). D, records of hypotaurine-induced currents obtained at different holding potentials from −70 to +50 mV. E, mean current-voltage curve of hypotaurine-induced currents (n = 3). For all the recordings, hypotaurine was pressure-applied at 1 mm to cells recorded at −70 mV. Experiments in A, B and D were performed in the presence of GABAA/B/C receptor blockers (500 μM PTX and 100 μM phaclofen) and a GLY receptor blocker (100 μM strychnine).