Effect on outward currents of blockade of Kv3.4 and Kv4 subunits
A, peak current plot of outward currents recorded in CB chemoreceptor cells after application of depolarizing steps to +40 mV every 20 s. The bath application of the BDS-I toxin reversibly decreases the peak current. The upper right panel shows representative recordings made under different experimental conditions, and the subtracted recording of control/toxin currents. The lower right panel shows the plot of the average (mean ± s.e.m.) percent inhibition, and time course (τ) of the subtracted current. B, the upper panel plots the average inhibition of outward currents after bath application of heteropodatoxin (HpTx-2). The lower panel shows representative recordings of chemoreceptor outward currents. In this case, transient outward currents were elicited (under control and toxin application conditions) by depolarizing steps to +40 mV following 10 s prepulses to two different potentials, −80 mV (to obtain the fully primed current) and 0 mV (to inactivate the transient component). The fast-inactivating current was defined as the difference between the currents elicited by the two pulses.