PAF (10 μM) was added to the serosal side. A and C, 200 μM carboxy-PTIO (A) or 10 μM ODQ (C) was added to the serosal side after the PAF-elicited plateau phase was observed. Typical traces of Isc are shown. B and D, the 10 μM PAF-induced net increases in Isc were recorded just before the addition of 200 μM carboxy-PTIO (B) or 10 μM ODQ (D) (filled columns). When the effect of the inhibitor reached a steady state, the Isc values were read, and they are expressed as ΔIsc (open columns). n = 5. ** P < 0.01. E-H, the Pd (E and G) and Gt (F and H) values were measured at three different times: (1) just before the addition of PAF (open columns), (2) when values of Isc had reached a steady state after the addition of PAF (filled columns) and (3) after the additional application of carboxy-PTIO (E and F) or ODQ (G and H) (hatched columns). n = 5. *,** P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively.