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. 2002 Sep 1;543(Pt 2):719–728. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2002.019422
B(t) Baroreflex signal (mmHg)
Bph Parasympathetic signal to the heart (mmHg)
Bsh Sympathetic signal to the heart (mmHg)
Bsp Sympathetic signal to the peripheral vessels (mmHg)
C Aortic compliance (l mmHg−1; C= 0.00005 l mmHg−1 kg−1)
dph Baroreflex delay, parasympathetic (s; dph= 0.25 s)
dsh Baroreflex delay,sympathetic to the heart (s; dsh= 1.00 s)
dsp Baroreflex delay,sympathetic to the peripheral vessels (s; dsp= 6.00 s)
dmf Muscle flow delay (seconds; dmf= 1.8 s)
G Conductance in a peripheral vascular bed (l s−1 mmHg−1)
Ge Conductance in the exercising parts of the body (l s−1 mmHg−1)
G0 Total peripheral conductance (TPC)before exercise (l s−1 mmHg−1)
Gr Conductance in the non-exercising parts of the body (l s−1 mmHg−1)
Gp TPC (l s−1 mmHg−1)
Ka Sensitivity to afterload effect on stroke volume (ml mmHg−1; adjusted)
Kph Sensitivity to parasympathetic signal to the heart (s mmHg−1; adjusted)
Ksh Sensitivity to sympathetic signal to the heart (l mmHg−1; adjusted)
Ksp Sensitivity to sympathetic signal to the peripheral vessels (l mmHg−1; adjusted)
ExCond Fraction of TPC in the exercising parts of the body (fraction; ExCond = 0.15)
P ˙ Time-differentiated pressure in the aorta (mmHg s−1)
P(t) Time-dependent mean arterial pressure (mmHg)
P0 Mean arterial pressure before exercise (mmHg)
Pa Instantaneous pressure in the aorta (mmHg)
Pd End-diastolic pressure (mmHg)
Ps(t) Set point for arterial pressure control (mmHg)
Q ˙h Flow out of the heart (l s−1)
Q ˙m Mitral flow late in diastole (l s−1; adjusted)
Q ˙mf Muscle flow (l s−1; adjusted)
Q ˙p Total flow in the peripheral arteries (l s−1)
RR RR interval (s)
RR0 RR interval before exercise (s)
SV Stroke volume (l)
SV0 Stroke volume before exercise (l)
Tc,ph Baroreflex time constant, parasympathetic to the heart (s; Tc,ph= 0.25 s)
Tc,sh Baroreflex time constant,sympathetic to the heart (s; Tc,sh= 10s)
Tc,sp Baroreflex time constant, sympathetic to the peripheral vessels (s; Tc,sp= 10s)
Tc,set Set point time constant (s; adjusted)
Tc,mf Muscle flow time constant (s; adjusted (constraint to less than 13.2 s))
tcount Time when countdown is started (s)
tex Time when exercise is started (s)