Figure 1. Ipsi-lesional flocculectomy abolishes the increase in intrinsic excitability of MVN neurons during compensation.
A, photomicrograph of the brain from a representative left-flocculectomised rat (ventral view). Note that the left flocculus-paraflocculus lobe (FL) is absent. B, mean resting in vitro discharge rates (± s.e.m.) of rostral ipsi-lesional MVN neurons in slices that were prepared from animals that had undergone either 4 or 48 h of vestibular compensation after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL4h, UL48h), in combination with either bilateral flocculectomy (bFX), contra-lesional flocculectomy (cFX) or ipsi-lesional flocculectomy (iFX). The number of cells recorded in each experimental condition is shown at the base of the columns. In this and following figures, asterisks indicate where the mean in vitro discharge rate of the MVN cells is significantly elevated compared to control (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney rank sum test).