Table 1.
Sample | Isotopic labeling condition |
A | Uniform-13C, 15N-enriched* |
B | Uniform 15N† |
C | 1:4 ratio of uniform-13C,15N-labeled in natural abundance‡ |
D | Prepared from 1,3-13C-glycerol and 15NH4Cl§ |
E | Prepared from 2-13C-glycerol and 15NH4Cl¶ |
*Expressed with 13C glucose and 15NH4Cl.
†Expressed with natural abundance glucose and 15NH4Cl.
‡One part uniformly 13C,15N-labeled GB1 was diluted in four parts natural abundance GB1 prior to precipitation by the standard protocol.
§Expressed with 1,3-13C-glycerol and natural abundance Na2CO3 as the sole carbon sources in the growth medium and 15NH4Cl.
¶Expressed with 2-13C-glycerol and Na213CO3 as the sole carbon sources and 15NH4Cl.