Anti-Mnn1 tissue staining in wild type, over-expressing and Mnn1 null mutants. (A–D) Anti-Mnn1 immunofluorescence (green) of third instar larval brain, in wild type (B, D) and protein null (A, C). Immunofluorescent (A, B) and differential contrast channels (C, D) of the same preparation are shown. Staining is observed in the brain hemispheres (arrow) and ring gland (arrow head). (E–H) Multiple channel view of magnified ring gland polyploid tissue. Mnn1 is stained in green (E), actin in red (F) and DNA in blue (G). Merge of the three channels (H) reveals weak but consistent nuclear staining of Mnn1. Nuclear staining appears non-uniform. (I–P) Mnn1 staining (green) in third instar larvae following UAS-mnn1 induction by AB1-GAL4 driver in salivary gland (I), insulin dilp2-GAL4 driver in brain lobe (K), How24-GAL4 driver in CNS (M), motor neuron OK6-GAL4 driver in CNS (O). (J, L, N, P) Magnification of groups of cells showing intense Mnn1 staining (empty boxes in upper panel). Double staining for DNA (blue) clearly shows Mnn1 in the nucleus of polytene salivary cells (J) and nuclei of groups of neurons (L, N, P). Weaker Mnn1 staining appears punctate (arrowheads in panel L) and may represent endogenous Mnn1 in surrounding cells.