Fig. 2.
Quantitative kinetic analysis of the metabolism of capsaicin (open triangles) and nonivamide (open squares) by human liver microsomes (A). Semiquantitative kinetic data representing the relative formation of macrocyclic (open diamonds), ω-hydroxylated (open squares), ω-1-hydroxylated (open triangles), and terminal dehydrogenated (crosses) metabolites from capsaicin (B) and nonivamide (C) by human liver microsomes. Incubations were prepared and assayed as described under Materials and Methods using either capsaicin or nonivamide as an internal standard (i.e., nonivamide was used as the internal standard for incubations containing capsaicin). Data are representative of the mean relative metabolite peak area and standard deviation for three separate incubations at each time point. For clarity, error bars < 7% have been omitted from the figure; these error bars were encompassed by the symbol.