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. 2006 Dec;17(5):327–332.


Protein Identifications and False Discovery Rates in SEQUEST Analysis of MudPIT Data

Expt No Total proteins identifieda Single peptide proteins identifiedb Single peptides only Overall Two peptides minimum
Y1 532 248 50.4 23.9 1.1
Y2 604 295 51.2 25.5 2.9
Y3 517 262 47.7 25.5 5.7
R1seed 221 155 41.9 29.9 3.1
R2root 258 175 28.6 19.4 0.0
R3leaf 247 169 59.2 40.9 2.6

a Number of proteins identified in yeast and rice MudPIT protein identifications using SEQUEST cutoff scores of: Xcorr for a 1+ ion = 1.8, Xcorr for a 2+ ion = 2.5, Xcorr for a 3+ ion = 3.5, deltaXcorr = 0.1.

b Number of proteins identified from single peptides only using SEQUEST with cutoff parameters detailed in footnote a.

c False discovery rates assessed by searching against a reversed sequence database, calculated using FDR is FP/(TP + FP), where FP is false positives and TP is total positives,24 expressed as a percentage.