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. 2008 Mar 9;6:3. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-6-3

Table 2.

Outline of the Cancer Council NSW Consumer Review of Research Training Program

Day 1 Day 2
Introductions and Welcome Welcome to day 2

Setting the Scene About the Consumer Review Panel (the panel of trained consumers who will review and prioritise CCNSW research funding applications against established criteria)
 • About the Cancer Council NSW  • Purpose of the consumer panel
 • Cancer research in Australia  • Role of panel members
 • Background to consumer involvement in research at the Cancer Council NSW  • Role of the Chairperson
 • Operating guidelines and protocols for the panel
 • Questions/views/training improvement ideas

Overview of Training – expected outcomes, ground rules, evaluation. Research review
 • Consumer Review Criteria (development and use)
 • Questions/views/training improvement ideas

Definition and Scope of Health and Medical Research (for the purposes of the training)

Current Research Funding and Review Processes Testing the System (practicing research review)
 • National Health and Medical Research Council  • Review example research funding applications
 • Cancer Council NSW (including types of research funded by CCNSW)  • Individually apply the consumer review criteria (identified from recent research on important aspects the NSW public feel are important when judging the value of research) to each application
 • Definition and importance of ethical approval and scientific merit review  • General discussion and debate
 • Questions/views/training improvement ideas  • Determine a (panel agreed) ranked order of applications for funding
 • Debrief on the process, experience, problems encountered etc
 • Questions/views/training improvement ideas throughout the practice session

Overview of Research Disciplines (and importance of each for cancer control) Next steps and other research involvement opportunities (with the Cancer Council NSW)

Basic Research Summary of day 2 Questions/views/training improvement ideas
Epidemiological Research
Clinical Research
Behavioural and Psychosocial Research
Cancer Screening Research
Health Services Research
Summary of day 1 Questions/views/training improvement ideas