Mapping of transcripts to the 5'-region of the human DYRK1A gene. A schematic representation of the exon-intron organization is shown on top. Exons are numbered (1M, 1A, 1B, 2 and 3) and drawn to scale. Open boxes are noncoding regions, filled boxes represent the coding sequence. Open boxes with dotted lines are facultative exonic sequences that have been described in previous reports. Numbering of nucleotides in the promoter region refers to the 5'-end of transcript MNBHa which has previously been defined as the transcription start of the human DYRK1A gene [19] and corresponds to the transcript variant 3 (NM_101395) in the NCBI database. Position +1 corresponds to hchr21:37,661,729 in the assembly at the UCSC genome browser (release hg18). A CpG island identified by Yamada et al. [33] is indicated, with the bar representing the region that was analyzed in this report and found to be unmethylated. DYRK1A transcript variants that were previously described by Guimera et al. 1999 [19] or Wang et al. 1998 [32](database accession numbers are given in brackets) or were identified by 5'-RACE in the present study (a, b, c) are depicted thereunder. Positions of the primers used for RACE are indicated by arrows.