Myocytes were handled, loaded with the ΔΨm and ROS sensors, and permeabilized as described in the legend of Fig. 3. Rate of oxidation of the ROS probe (F/F0/unit time), NADH (in % of initial fluorescence before permeabilization) (A), and ΔΨm (in % of initial TMRM fluorescence before permeabilization) (B) obtained from four cells in the absence or the presence of 60 μm 4CL-DZP or 1 μm CsA (mean ± S.E.; 2 experiments) at different GSH/GSSG ratios (3 mm GSH concentration). The arrows in A and B denote the point at which ΔΨm irreversibly collapsed. Key to symbols: con, control; csa, cyclosporin A; 4dzp, 4Cl-DZP.