FIG. 1.
(A) 16S rRNA gene sequence-based tree showing the phylogenetic placement of the phyllosphere isolates obtained in this study. The tree was calculated based on 1,356 nucleotide positions. Isolates in parentheses were not included in the tree calculation process but were added to facilitate comparison with the 16S-23S rRNA IGS sequence-based tree. (B) Phylogenetic tree calculated based on aligned IGS sequences (1,244 nucleotide positions). The full length of the IGS, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, is shown in parentheses. Both trees were constructed using the Treepuzzle algorithm. Branch points that were recovered in <50% of 10,000 reconstructed trees are shown as multifurcations; values for branches with ≥50% recovery are indicated. Branch points in bold type are supported by at least two other algorithms (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, or neighbor joining). Bars = 0.10 change per nucleotide position. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of M. extorquens AM1 was obtained from the draft genome sequence (