Aberrant phenotypes induced by pG48R, pGV121, and pG48R plus pGV121 in the zebrafish embryonic development. Embryos were injected with linearized pcXGFP, pG48R, pGV121, and pG48R plus pGV121, 0.15 to 0.2 ng each, and then observed at 24 hpf (A to E and a to e), 48 hpf (F to K and f to k), 72 hpf (L to P and l to p), 4 dpf (Q to U and q to u), and 5 dpf (V to Y and v to y). White light (upper panels) and fluorescence (lower panels) images of zebrafish embryos expressing pcXGFP (b, g, l, q, and v), pG48R (c, h, m, r, and w), pGV121 (d, i, n, s, and x), and pG48R plus pGV121 (e, j, o, t, and y) were recorded continuously for 5 days after embryonic injection in zebrafish. In panels H, I, J, M, N, O, R, S, T, W, X, and Y, arrows indicate the dilating endocardium and arrowheads indicate the dilation in the tail region. All embryos are shown as lateral views with anterior to the left. Bar, 500 μm for all panels.