a, splice insert sites SS#2 (yellow), SS#3 (green), and SS#4 (magenta) visualized on the n1α_LNS#2 polypeptide backbone trace; b, the splice insert sites SS#2, SS#3, and SS#4 localize in a semicircle around the Ca2+-binding site (blue sphere); c, amino acid sequence conservation between n1α_LNS#2 and n1β_LNS/n1α_LNS#6 (accession code nm_174404); identical residues are shown in white, semi-conserved residues are in light cyan, and non-conserved residues are in dark aquamarine. Insertions or deletions of residues are indicated by +Δ or −Δ, respectively, followed by the number of residues present additionally or absent. Semi-conserved amino acids are defined as: (K/R/H), (P), (C), (F/Y/W/L), (D/E/Q/N), (V/I/M/A/L), (S/T/A), and (G/A); note that L and A are present in multiple groups; d, structural conservation between n1α_LNS#2 and n1β_LNS at the hyper-variable surface, coloring scheme as in Fig. 3c.