FIG. 7.
Nckβ colocalizes with Dab1 at the cell periphery of Rat-2 fibroblasts in a tyrosine phosphorylation site-dependent manner. (A to C) Dab1RFP (A and C; red) is detected in an intense peripheral ring in the majority of expressing Rat-2 cells, and Nckβ (B and C; green) is observed to colocalize in this region. (D to F) Dab1RFP-5F (D and F) is expressed in a pattern similar to the wild-type counterpart, however, Nckβ (E and F) does not colocalize at the cell periphery. (G to I) Native Dab1 (G and I) is predominantly cytoplasmic, and Nckβ (H and I) is also diffuse throughout the cytoplasm, with no concentration near the plasma membrane. Bar, 20 μm.