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. 1997 Aug 5;94(16):8618–8621. doi: 10.1073/pnas.94.16.8618

Table 1.

Characteristics of males that predicted their rankings by females under UV+ and UV− conditions, shown separately for morphometric variables and plumage reflectance spectra

Trait UV+ ranking predictor
UV− ranking predictor
Statistic P Statistic P
Mass F =  0.58 NS F =  1.00 NS
Fat score S =  2.33 NS S =  1.39 NS
Length of tarsus F =  0.27 NS F =  1.12 NS
Length of 8th primary F =  2.75 NS F =  0.11 NS
Asymmetry of tarsus S =  0.28 NS S =  1.88 NS
Asymmetry of 8th primary K-W H =  3.15 NS K-W H =  1.19 NS
Throat feathers with white tips, % S =  3.12 NS S =  4.86 NS
Covert feathers with white tips, % S =  3.67 NS S =  3.67 NS
Bill black, % S =  0.19 NS S =  0.10 NS
Trait UV+ ranking predictor
Wilk’s λ P mean PC1 PC2 PC3
Throat 0.308 <0.05 1.08 1.62 7.58‡ 0.60 preferred males have high “violet” and  “red” relative to UV and “green”
Throat tips 0.071 <0.01 2.72 4.03* 0.22 5.48† preferred males “whiter”
Coverts 0.430 NS 3.92* 1.15 0.79 0.80 NS
Covert tips 0.616 NS 0.40 0.58 2.47 NS
UV− ranking predictor

Throat 0.331 NS 0.81 1.83 1.30 0.53 NS
Throat tips 0.512 NS 0.68 1.11 0.55 0.79 NS
Coverts 0.725 NS 0.28 0.59 0.35 0.97 NS
Covert tips 0.585 NS 0.10 0.07 2.31 NS

Throat and coverts refer to the main iridescent region of the throat and wing covert feathers, respectively; tips are their white/brown margins. In all cases, the independent variable is rank, with four levels (1 = most preferred, 4 = least preferred). Morphometrics: Variables are compared by univariate tests. S refers to Friedman’s nonparametric repeated-measures ANOVA (15), with the males’ quartet as the blocking factor. Because primary feather asymmetry had too many missing values (due to abrasion of tips) for Friedman’s test, Kruskal–Wallis’ nonparametric ANOVA was used (15) as if males were independent. For repeated-measures ANOVA F tests, df = 3,21; for Friedman S and Kruskal–Wallis H, df = 3. Spectrophotometrics: Plumage variables are compared by repeated-measures MANOVA and ANOVA with 10 replicate feathers per region per bird (measurement details in legend of Fig. 3). For the UV+ rankings, mean reflectance and principal components (PC) are calculated from the full avian visible range (300-700 nm); for the UV− rankings, they are calculated for the human visible range (400-700 nm). Principal components were calculated from standardized reflectance measurements (mean reflectance subtracted) such that PC1 is the first component of spectral shape rather than a correlate of mean reflectance. Only PCs explaining >5% of the spectral variation are included. Wilk’s λ tests the mean reflectance and main PCs together by repeated-measures MANOVA, with ∗, P < 0.05;  

, P < 0.01; and  

, P < 0.001. Only where Wilk’s λ is significant should the univariate F tests for each dependent variable be consulted; for Wilk’s λ, df = 12,47.