Gel-shift assay demonstrating specific interaction of Ldhc promoter oligos containing GC box (Ldhc-SP) or CRE sequences (Ldhc-CRE) with testis nuclear protein extract (TN). Lanes 1 to 7, oligo Ldhc-SP used as probe; lane 1: Ldhc-SP probe; lane 2: TN + probe; lanes 3–5: TN + probe + 50-fold non-radioactive Ldhc-SP, Ldhc-SPmu, and SP1 consensus, respectively; lanes 6–7: TN + probe + antibody. Lanes 8–14, oligo Ldhc-CRE used as probe; lane 8: Ldhc-CRE; lane 9: TN + probe; lanes 10–12: TN + probe + 50-fold non-radioactive Ldhc-CRE, Ldhc-CREmu1, and CRE consensus, respectively; lanes 13–14: TN + probe + antibody. NS, Nonspecific.