Figure 1.
FkpA prevents MalE31 aggregation. Cells expressing chromosomally encoded MalE-wt or MalE31, transformed by pTrc99 or pTfkp, were grown in rich medium at 37°C for 3 h, and then fractionated from spheroplasts. Periplasmic (soluble) and membrane (insoluble) fractions, corresponding to 5 × 109 cells, were analyzed on SDS–polyacrylamide (12.5%) gel stained by Coomassie blue. (Lane 1), Strain PD28 (ΔmalE) carrying pTrc99. (Lane 2) Strain MC4100 (malE) carrying pTrc99. (Lane 3) Strain JMB5 (malE31) carrying pTrc99. (Lane 4) JMB5 cells carrying pTfkp.