Figure 2.
Preimmunization with L144/R147 protects animals from EAE induced with PLP-(178–191) (a), MOG-(92–106) (b), or mouse MBP (c). Mice (four or five per group, 100–200 μg of peptide per mouse) were preimmunized with L144, L144/R147, or PLP-(139–151) or were not immunized 3 weeks before immunization with PLP-(178–191) (25 μg per mouse), MOG-(92–106) (200 μg per mouse), or mouse MBP (200 μg per mouse, 2 times). Mice immunized with mouse MBP received two immunizations with antigen 1 week or 1 month apart. In the latter case the second immunization was taken as day 0.