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. 2008 Apr 21;181(2):269–280. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200708155

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

LB3 is closely associated with PCNA and chromatin after nuclear envelope assembly. Nuclei were fixed and prepared for immunofluorescence with Hoechst 33342 and antibodies directed against LB3 and PCNA 60 min after assembly was initiated in X. laevis extracts (A–I). There appears to be substantial overlap of DNA, LB3, and PCNA throughout the nucleus and at the nuclear periphery (A–E). The overlay in D shows LB3 and PCNA, whereas E displays DNA, LB3, and PCNA. The area in the box in E was enlarged (6.3×) to show the details of DNA, LB3, PCNA, and the overlay (F–I). We have also examined nuclei after 120 min of assembly both in the nuclear interior (J–M) and at the nuclear periphery (N–Q). These images are approximately the same magnification as in F–I. Frequently, these nuclei have filamentous chromatin (J), which is closely associated with LB3 and PCNA (K–M). The association between these three components is also observed at the nuclear periphery (N–Q). We have used grayscale images of chromatin in A, F, J, and N and blue in the overlays (E, I, M, and Q) for purposes of improved contrast. Bar, 5 μm.