Figure 5. Depression of isometric force by [Pi] in myofibrils and skinned fibres from fast and slow muscle.
A, force-[Pi] relation obtained in psoas myofibrils at 15 °C (continuous line; same relation as in Fig. 2A) and data previously obtained in skinned fibres from the same muscle at 15 °C. •, Pate et al. 1998; ○, Millar & Homsher, 1990; ▿, Wahr et al. 1997; ▴, Potma et al. 1995; ×, Zhao et al. 1996. B, force-[Pi] relation obtained in soleus myofibrils at 20 °C (continuous line; same relation as in Fig. 2B) and data previously obtained in skinned fibres from the same muscle at 15-20 °C. ▾, Potma et al. (1995); ○, Millar & Homsher (1992); ▵, Wahr et al. (1997); □, Wang & Kawai (1997).