Image reconstructions of T = 4 HBV capsids: empty Cp147 capsids at 17-Å resolution (a–c), C-terminally labeled Cp*150 capsids at 20 Å (d–f), and Cp183 capsids with RNA at 18.5 Å (g–i). Views are down an icosahedral twofold axis. (Inset) The arrangement of A, B, C, and D quasi-equivalent subunits on one icosahedral facet; the same labeling is used in a. The positions of some icosahedral symmetry axes, in the plane of the page, are shown in b. Some of the gold clusters in e are highlighted. Putative connections between capsid and RNA are identified by dashed lines in i. Surface shaded representations, external (a, d, and g) and cutaway (b, e, and h), are contoured so that 100% of the expected protein volume is enclosed. Gray scale maps (c, f, and i) are shown of the central section of each reconstruction. (Bar = 50 Å.)