Figure 7.—
The gain of pericarp function associated with P1-wr-mum6 does not depend on the Mu activity. (A) A DNA gel blot containing HinfI-digested leaf genomic DNA was hybridized with a Mu1 probe. The 1.3- and 1.7-kb HinfI fragments (marked by arrows on the left) are indicative of active Mu1 elements. Genotypes studied are indicated at the top. These include the P1-wr parental sources used in the TUSC screen to generate P1-wr-mum6, F2 generation P1-wr and P1-wr-mum6 individuals that had colorless pericarp, and P1-wr-mum6/p1-ww [4co63] individuals derived from testcross progenies a, b, and c (Figure 3). These testcross progenies are shown by letters a, b, and c, respectively. The Mu-active source used to generate P1-wr-mum6 is denoted by P1-wr ‘Mu’. (B) DNA gel blot showing silencing of Mu activity in P1-wr-mum6/p1-ww by Mu inhibitor. DNA of P1-wr-mum6/− individuals derived from a cross of P1-wr-mum6 with Mu inhibitor (see materials and methods) was digested with HinfI and the resulting blot was hybridized with a Mu1 probe. Arrows to the left of the blots denote the locations of specific bands discussed in the text. Ear photos corresponding to given lanes are shown below the gel.