Recipient: | Donor
D. simulans STCP (ø) | D. yakuba SA3 (wYak) (%) | D. teissieri 0257.0 (wTei) (%) | D. santomea STO.9 (wSan) (%) |
Injected embryos | 1080 | 720 | 1380 |
Survived G0 larvae | 193 (17.9)a | 70 (9.7)a | 400 (28.9)a |
Survived G0 females | 26 (13.5)b | 37 (52.9)b | 44 (11.0)b |
Fertile G0 females | 22 (84.6)c | 35 (94.6)c | 40 (90.9)c |
Wolbachia-infected G0 females | 2 (9.1)d | 6 (17.1)d | 4 (10.0)d |
Percentage of hatched G0 larvae.
Percentage of survived G0 females.
Percentage of fertile G0 females.
Percentage of Wolbachia-infected G0 females.