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. 2008 Mar 19;4:13. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-4-13

Table 1.

The immediate net value of each trial and gain-loss structure in the original IGT and SGT

IGT Serial Numbers A B C D SGT A B C D
1 100 100 50 50 1 200 100 -200 -100
2 100 100 50 50 2 200 100 -200 -100
3 -50 100 0 50 3 200 100 -200 -100
4 100 100 50 50 4 200 100 -200 -100
5 -200 100 0 50 5 -1050 -650 1050 650
6 100 100 50 50 6 200 100 -200 -100
7 -100 100 0 50 7 200 100 -200 -100
8 100 100 50 50 8 200 100 -200 -100
9 -150 -1150 0 50 9 200 100 -200 -100
10 -250 100 0 -200 10 -1050 -650 1050 650

11 100 100 50 50 11 200 100 -200 -100
12 -250 100 25 50 12 200 100 -200 -100
13 100 100 -25 50 13 200 100 -200 -100
14 -150 -1150 50 50 14 200 100 -200 -100
15 -100 100 50 50 15 -1050 -650 1050 650
16 100 100 50 50 16 200 100 -200 -100
17 -200 100 25 50 17 200 100 -200 -100
18 -50 100 -25 50 18 200 100 -200 -100
19 100 100 50 50 19 200 100 -200 -100
20 100 100 0 -200 20 -1050 -650 1050 650

21 100 -1150 50 50 21 200 100 -200 -100
22 -200 100 50 50 22 200 100 -200 -100
23 100 100 50 50 23 200 100 -200 -100
24 -250 100 0 50 24 200 100 -200 -100
25 100 100 25 50 25 -1050 -650 1050 650
26 -100 100 0 50 26 200 100 -200 -100
27 -150 100 50 50 27 200 100 -200 -100
28 -50 100 50 50 28 200 100 -200 -100
29 100 100 -25 -200 29 200 100 -200 -100
30 100 100 0 50 30 -1050 -650 1050 650

31 -250 100 50 50 31 200 100 -200 -100
32 -100 -1150 50 50 32 200 100 -200 -100
33 -150 100 50 50 33 200 100 -200 -100
34 100 100 25 50 34 200 100 -200 -100
35 100 100 25 -200 35 -1050 -650 1050 650
36 100 100 50 50 36 200 100 -200 -100
37 -50 100 -25 50 37 200 100 -200 -100
38 -200 100 50 50 38 200 100 -200 -100
39 100 100 0 50 39 200 100 -200 -100
40 100 100 -25 50 40 -1050 -650 1050 650

Final Outcomes -1000 ($) -1000 ($) +1000 ($) +1000 ($) Final Outcomes -2000 ($) -2000 ($) +2000 ($) +2000 ($)

Note. In these gambling tasks, the internal gamble structure of IGT and SGT and the trial to end the game is unknown to the subjects. The subjects are asked to minimize monetary expenditure and maximize their winnings by choosing one card from the four decks in each trial. In the table, negative values are marked with a bold font size. (Left part: IGT) Deck A contains the relative high-frequency loss, while decks B, C, and D contain the high-frequency gain (net value within each trial). Decks A and B have negative net value (namely, the EV), -250($) over an average of ten trials; moreover, C and D have a positive net value of +250($) over an average of ten trials. (Right part: SGT) Five cumulative trials are repeated for each deck in the Soochow Gambling Task, decks A and B have high-frequency gain, while decks C and D exhibit a reversed gain-loss pattern. The task enlarges the difference between positive and negative EVs to make the difference more noticeable than in the Iowa Gambling Task. While playing this game, subjects only experienced a gain or a loss during each trial, and there was no reciprocal gain-loss within individual trials.