Table 1.
Analysis of the [Het-s*] → [Het-s] transition
Number of strains that have gained the [Het-s]
Donor strain = [Het-s] Recipient strain = [Het-s*] | Donor strain = [Het-s] Recipient strain = het-s° | Donor strain = het-s° Recipient strain = [Het-s*] | |
Absence of cycloheximide | 17/17 | 0/12 | 0/10 0/7† |
Presence of cycloheximide | 13/13 | nd | nd |
Conditions were as described in Materials and Methods, Fig. 2, and in the text. The values are given as the ratio between the number of strains that have gained the [Het-s] phenotype and the number of tested recipient strains. nd, not done.
In this experiment, the het-s° strain was first fused to a [Het-s] strain then pieces of mycelium of the het-s° strain were used to regenerate mycelia that were used as donors.