Figure 2.
Representative pictures of in vivo immunoassays with T-cell lysates (5±107) derived from four different groups of individuals. Phenotypes for lanes 1, 2, 3 P503/R576; lanes 4, 5 S503/R576; lanes 6, 7 P503/Q576; lanes 8, 9 wildtype. Control picture of STAT6-phosphorylation: lanes 1–4 unstimulated cells; lane 5 wildtype; lane 6 P503/Q576; lane 7 S503/R576; lane 8 P503/R576. Incubations were performed with antiphosphotyrosine (1:1000) and the respective antibodies (1:1500) against the substrates as a control. P503/R576 individuals show enhanced phosphorylation of IRS-2, whereas STAT6 phosphorylation is reduced in presence of any mutation. (a) IRS-;(b) STAT6.