Figure 1.
CH response in IL-4 KO and wt mice. In (a), IL-4 KO (○) and wt (•) mice were sensitized with TNCB and challenged 5 days later. The increases in ear thickness were measured 24, 48 and 72 hr after challenge. In (b), IL-4 KO (○) and wt (•) mice were sensitized with different TNCB concentrations and were challenged with a single dose of TNCB. The increase in ear thickness was measured 24 hr after challenge. Data presented are the mean values±SD of eight mice per data point. Mice that were not sensitized, but only challenged with TNCB (challenge only), gave the following results: IL-4 KO 24 hr, 2·1±0·4; 48 hr, 2·5±0·3; 72 hr, 1·7±0·6; and wt 24 hr, 2·0±1·1; 48 hr 1·9±0·5; 72 hr, 1·5±0·2. *P < 0·01 and **P < 0·001 as compared to the values detected in IL-4 KO mice.