Figure 8.
Stability of adiponectin complexes under acidic conditions. Recombinant human, mouse, mouse calcium-binding mutant, and mouse C39S mutant adiponectin were separated by gel filtration chromatography and subjected to a range of pH from 7 to 4. Recombinant human (A), mouse (B), calcium-binding mutant (C), and cysteine to serine mutant (C39S) (D) adiponectin (25 μl, 1 mg/ml) were fractionated on a gel filtration column equilibrated in sodium citrate buffer adjusted to the pH indicated on the graph. The three peaks for the HMW, LMW, and trimer are indicated on the graph. The absorbance at 280 nm (mAU, milli-absorbance units) was plotted against the retention volume over the range at which adiponectin elutes. NS, Nonspecific peak that does not contain any protein.