Figure 3.
Inhibition of COS-1- (a, d, g), 4T1- (b, e, h), and B16- (c, f, i) cells bactofected with genes for prodrug-converting enzymes and treated with the indicated prodrug at different time points as result of comparing prodrug-treated versus non-treated cell survival measured by MTT-assay. The cells were bactofected with WL-150 pSP118-PCMV-PNP, WL-150 pSP118-PCMV-FCU1, WL-150 pSP118-P4xTETP-PNP, and WL-150 pSP118-P4xTETP-FCU1, or infected with the protein secreting strain WL-150 pSP0-PactA-SP-PNP and subsequently treated with 50 μM MePdR (a, b, c), 88 μM Fludarabine (d, e, f), or 1 mM 5-FC (g, h, i); as control un-infected cells were used.