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. 2008 Mar 11;85(3):361–374. doi: 10.1007/s11524-008-9266-y


Relation between students identified with asthma to asthma-related services: process indicators

  School year
2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007
Number of students eligible for classesa 242 482 393 332
Number (%) of eligible students who enrolled (i.e., attended ≥1 of 4 sessions) 197 (81) 384 (80) 346 (88) 290 (87)
Number (%) of students who enrolled and completed ≥3 of 4 classes NAb 308 (80) 215 (62) 209 (72)
Number (%) of eligible students who completed ≥3 of 4 classes NAb 308 (64) 215 (55) 209 (63)
Incentive $15 gift certificate $10 gift certificate None $10 gift certificate

aFrom surveys, “active asthma.” Some students who took the survey at the beginning of the year were no longer enrolled at the time of invitations, and are not included in the number of eligible students. Also, some students who had taken the course previously were not reinvited.

bAttendance at each session was not tracked during 2003–2004.

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