Figure 7. Enhanced cdk5 activity correlates with altered APP processing in p25/APP.
Panel A: APP processing was examined in double-transgenic p25/APP mice and single transgenic APP littermates. Levels of full length APP (APP fl) were not altered but there was an increase in the level of β-CTF (C99) relative to α-CTF (C83) in the p25/APP mice compared to controls (immunoblot shows bands recognized by antibody C1/6.1 from an intact membrane). Panel B: The level of α-secretase cleaved sAPPα fragments were unchanged in p25/APP mice compared to APP controls, but the fragments generated by BACE1 cleavage (sAPPβ) were significantly increased in p25/APP mice compared to controls. BACE1 was also increased in the double-transgenic mice. β-actin was used as a loading control (n=7 p25/APP, n=6 APP, 2 mice of each group shown). Panel C: Scatterplots of sAPPβ and BACE1 levels (values are normalized to APP group average = 1) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the p25/APP mice than the single transgenic group. * p<0.05.