Figure 5.
Differential expression of dystrophin and the DGC in skeletal muscle of 6-month-old BL6, mdx3cv, and mdx4cv mice. A: Representative photomicrographs of immunofluorescence staining with epitope-specific antibodies that recognize different regions of dystrophin. N, dystrophin N-terminal domain; R4-6, dystrophin rod domain spectrin-like repeats 4 to 6; R11, dystrophin rod domain spectrin-like repeat 11; R19/H3, dystrophin rod domain spectrin-like repeats 19 and hinge 3; C, dystrophin C-terminal domain. B: Left, relative fluorescence signal intensity. AU, artificial unit. n = 15 for BL6, n = 12 for mdx3cv, and n = 9 for mdx4cv. Right, Representative Western blot with an anti-dystrophin C-terminal antibody. C: Representative photomicrographs of immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against selective components of the DGC. βDG, β-dystroglycan; βSG, β-sarcoglycan; Syn, syntrophin; Dbr, dystrobrevin. Arrowhead, neuromuscular junction.