Figure 1.
Overlay Heat Map of the Metabolite Profiles of Three Independent Studies of the Pericarp Metabolite Content of the ILs Compared with the Parental Control (M82).
Data come from a novel field trial performed in 2004 and are presented alongside those of 2003 and 2001 (published in Schauer et al., 2006). Large sections of the map are white or pale in color, reflecting that many of the chromosomal segment substitutions do not have an effect on the amount of every metabolite. Regions of red or blue indicate that the metabolite content is increased or decreased, respectively, after introgression of S. pennellii segments. Very dark coloring indicates that a large change in metabolite content was conserved across all three harvests, whereas purple indicates an inconsistent change in that IL relative to M82. For each harvest, GC-MS was used to quantify 74 metabolites, including amino acids, organic acids, fatty acids, sugars, sugar alcohols, and vitamins. Due to space constraints, this heat map is not annotated; however, fully annotated heat maps for the individual data sets are provided in Supplemental Figures 1 to 4 online.