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. 2007 Jan 17;63(Pt 2):78–83. doi: 10.1107/S1744309106055084

Table 4. Data-collection statistics.

Values in parentheses are for the last (highest) resolution shell.

  Native data (with Mg2+)
Wavelength (Å) 1.0000
Space group C2221
Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = 160.15, b = 180.47, c = 57. 98
Resolution range (Å) 48–1.85 (1.93–1.85)
No. of observed reflections 355151
No. of unique reflections 72065 (8212)
Completeness (%) 99.9 (100)
Multiplicity 4.9 (4.9)
Rmerge 0.090 (0.540)
Rmeas 0.066 (0.584)
I/σ(I) 14.62 (2.98)
Solvent content (%) 58.9

R merge = Inline graphic/Inline graphic, where I h,i is the ith observation of reflection h and 〈Ih〉 is its mean intensity.

R meas = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where I h,i is the ith observation of reflection h and nh is the multiplicity.