Figure 6.
In planta synthesis of Neu5Ac. A, RP-HPLC of DMB-Neu5Ac in wild-type extract spiked with DMB-Neu5Ac (wt + S), extract from GNE- and NANS-expressing transgenic Arabidopsis (GNE NANS), and wild-type control (wt). The DMB-Neu5Ac peak is indicated. The background peaks are higher in the spiked wild-type extract because 10 times more sample was injected there. B, Mass spectrometric detection (ESI-MS/MS on mass 308.1) of underivatized Neu5Ac standard (S), direct infusion of partially purified extract from GNE- and NANS-expressing transgenic Arabidopsis (GNE NANS), and wild-type control (wt). Characteristic peaks are marked by arrows.