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. 1997 Sep 16;94(19):10227–10232. doi: 10.1073/pnas.94.19.10227

Table 3.

δ*-differences between mitochondrial and the host nuclear genomes (multiplied by 1,000)

homsa bosta musmu ratno galga xenla strpu drome caeel sacce schpo arath trybr
145 25 26 33 36 50 101 139 85 468 76 158 184 homsa
37 135 23 40 48 36 91 130 91 457 68 145 188 bosta
56 55 153 17 34 37 96 120 87 457 72 154 177 musmu
56 52 40 146 26 44 97 112 88 461 72 154 174 ratno
69 72 59 59 165 52 93 130 101 487 68 150 183 galga
61 55 77 75 88 85 81 106 81 465 66 124 172 xenla
110 93 108 98 116 89 172 116 98 486 52 94 177 strpu
173 169 196 197 182 144 147 175 96 385 116 163 167 drome
169 153 183 177 172 156 117 99 228 439 92 168 131 caeel
126 109 138 136 133 98 78 91 75 527 496 542 388 sacce
142 131 157 156 142 113 105 77 72 36 130 84 188 schpo
124 103 131 125 132 100 66 122 78 42 59 83 240 arath
154 147 165 165 152 124 107 90 92 67 59 84 219 trybr

Included are all eukaryotes for which both the complete mitochondrial genome and a sufficient sample of nuclear genomic DNA is available. δ*-differences between mitochondrial genomes are given in the upper right triangle, δ*-difference between the mitochondrial genome and the corresponding host (boldface) are shown in the diagonal, and average δ*-difference between corresponding nuclear genomes (italics) in the lower left triangle.