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. 2007 Jun 29;63(Pt 7):627–630. doi: 10.1107/S1744309107030059

Table 1. Crystal data and data-collection statistics.

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.

Space group P3121
Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = b = 92.4, c = 114.3
No. of protomers per ASU 1
X-ray source BL41XU, SPring-8
Temperature (K) 100
Wavelength (Å) 1.0000
Oscillation range (°) 1.0
Crystal-to-detector distance (mm) 400
No. of frames 180
Resolution range (Å) 100–3.30 (3.48–3.30)
Observed reflections 91781
Unique reflections 8884
Completeness (%) 100 (100)
Multiplicity 10.3 (10.7)
Mean I/σ(I) 5.4 (1.4)
Rmerge 0.106 (0.540)

R merge = Inline graphic Inline graphic, where 〈Ih is the mean intensity of symmetry-equivalent reflections.