OntologySource |
Implementing classes provide ontology terms to an OntologyViewer. |
TreeOntologySource |
Extends OntologySource but implementing classes provide ontology terms that can be organised as a tree structure. |
DictionaryDescriptionSupport |
Implementing classes provide a definition for OntologyTerms. |
ImageDescriptionSupport |
Implementing classes can provide images based on an identifier. |
URLDescriptionSupport |
Implementing classes can provide a link to a webpage. |
SingleColumnTextSource, OntologySource
An ontology source that reads terms from a text file that contains a single column of ontology terms. |
AbstractTreeOntologySource, TreeOntologySource
A class to manage a tree of terms. This is extended in the classes below. |
TabIndentedTextSource |
Extends AbstractTreeOntologySource. This is an ontology source that reads terms from a tab-indented text file. |
XMLOntologySource |
Extends AbstractTreeOntologySource. This is an ontology source that reads its terms from a bespoke XML format. |