Figure 3.
Effect of age on the inducer potency of broccoli sprout extracts. Broccoli sprouts were harvested daily for 9 days. Extracts were prepared by homogenization in cold triple solvent and assayed for inducer activity with myrosinase and ascorbate added to the microtiter well plates. Inducer potencies of the sprouts are expressed both “per mg fresh plant weight” (Upper) and “per plant” (Lower). Mean fresh weights were determined on samples of at least 20 sprouts per time point. The initial seed weight is about 3.5 mg, and sprout weight increases by about 6.6 mg/day. Inducer specific activities of myrosinase-treated sprout extracts are compared with those of seeds. Without myrosinase treatment, extracts contained <1,000 units/g fr. wt.