A, top, C–V functions of an OHC during washout of Cl− with Tris-sulfate patch-pipette solution, in the presence of 140 mm Tris-Cl extracellular solution. Bottom, same as above except with Tris-Hepes pipette solution. B, relative peak non-linear capacitance (Cmpk (rel)) as a function of time after patch rupture with either Tris-sulfate (n = 4; mean ±s.e.m.) or Tris-Hepes (n = 5) Cl−-free intracellular solutions and Tris-Cl 140 mm (140 Cl) extracellular solution. Recordings began at the moment of patch rupture at a holding potential of 0 mV. Data were obtained from full C–V functions, and peak non-linear membrane capacitance Cm was obtained by subtracting linear capacitance determined by fits (see Methods) to the data. [Cl]in, intracellular Cl− concentration.