Figure 1. Recombinant hTREK-1 is O2 sensitive when expressed in HEK 293 cells.
A, exemplar whole-cell currents evoked by the ramp-step protocol shown in the lower panel of D during perfusion of normoxic control solution (C), in the presence of 10 μm arachidonic acid (AA), and during washout (W) as indicated. B, as A, except that the cell was exposed to perfusate containing TNP (400 μm) rather than AA. C, as A except that the cell was exposed to perfusate containing CPZ (10 μm) rather than AA. D, exemplar whole-cell currents evoked by the ramp-step protocol shown before (C), during (H) and after (W) exposure to hypoxic solution, in hTREK-1 transfected HEK 293 cells (upper traces) and wild-type HEK 293 cells (lower traces). Shown below these traces is the ramp-step protocol used to evoke all currents illustrated. E, plot of normalised current amplitudes (I/Imax) versus chamber PO2 levels (on a log10 scale). At each PO2 level examined, the fractional inhibition (observed during a hypoxic challenge from 150 mmHg to the PO2 level shown) is plotted for individual cells (○), and the mean effect is indicated by the horizontal bars. The line was drawn by eye.