A, DLH injection (3 nl, 5 mm) injected at the bar, 300 μm ventral to the dorsal aspect of the VRG and 1 mm caudal to the facial nucleus (preBotC). Upper and middle traces: integrated and raw phrenic nerve activity, respectively. Bottom trace: ABP. Note the DLH-induced very irregular rhythm and pattern on the phrenic nerve. A slight tonic activation of the phrenic nerve is visible on both the raw and integrated traces. B, average TI, TE and TTOT following DLH injection in rats in which dysrhythmia was elicited (n = 13). TTOT, TE and TI are normalized to their control in each animal. DLH injection took place at time = 0. The error bars are much bigger than for the other evoked responses, showing the higher variability in the response for this specific dysrhythmia response. *TTOT significantly different from control (determined only for measurements made at the peak effect and then at 5 s intervals from 10 to 35 s; P < 0.05).