Figure 4. Ibkg and ICl,ir have different sensitivities to Zn2+ blockade.
The voltage protocol is shown above B; this experiment is typical of 5 cells. A-C, current traces recorded from an isolated Xenopus RPE cell in Ringer solution (A) and in Ringer solution containing 10 μm (B) or 300 μm (C) Zn2+. D, current-voltage relationship of the instantaneous current at the onset of the hyperpolarizing pulse (Ibkg) in 0 (▪), 3 μm (•), 10 μm (○), 30 μm (▾) and 1 mm (♦) Zn2+. E, current-voltage relationship for ICl,ir tail currents recorded at +100 mV in 0 (▪), 10 μm (○), 100 μm (▴), 300 μm (▾), and 1 mm (♦) Zn2+. Virtually identical results were obtained if the time-dependent inward current rather than tail current amplitude was used as a measure of ICl,ir. F, inhibition of Ibkg and ICl,ir by Zn2+. Ibkg and ICl,ir in different [Zn2+] were normalized to the control current in the absence of Zn2+.